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An Enhanced Body Condition Improved Sexual Behavior, Ovarian Structure and Function, and Reproductive Fitness in Rangeland-Crossbred Dairy Goats

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Effect of Nutritional Flushing Using Long-Term Energy and Protein Supplementation on Growth Performance and Reproductive Parameters of Doyogena Ewes in Ethiopia

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A Circular Economy Approach to Integrate Divergent Ruminant Production Systems: Using Dairy Cow Feed Leftovers to Enhance the Out-of-Season Reproductive Performance in Goats

Maria G. Machado-Ramos, Cesar A. Meza-Herrera, Angeles De Santiago-Miramontes, Miguel Mellado, Francisco G. Véliz-Deras, Fernando Arellano-Rodríguez, Viridiana Contreras-Villarreal, José R. Arévalo, Dalia I. Carrillo-Moreno and Jessica M. Flores-Salas
Animals 13 (15) 2431 (2023)

Effect of short-term nutritional supplementation of green microalgae on some reproductive indicators of Anglo-Nubian crossbred goats

Maria Raquel Lopes Silva, Juliana Paula Martins Alves, César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes, Camila Muniz Cavalcanti, Alfredo José Herrera Conde, Alessandra Façanha Bezerra, Anne Caroline Santos Soares, Dárcio Ítalo Alves Teixeira, Anibal Coutinho do Rego and Davide Rondina
Veterinary World 464 (2023)

Change in Hematology Prepartum and Postpartum of Garut Ewe fed with Flushing Diet Contain Lemuru Oil

A Nurlatifah, L Khotijah, RI Arifiantini, M S Maidin and D A Astuti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1020 (1) 012005 (2022)

Body condition score and serum metabolites and minerals concentrations as indicators of ovarian activity and pregnancy success in goats on rangeland

Ariadna V. Alvarado, Alan S. Alvarado, Fernando Arellano, Francisco Véliz, Ángeles De Santiago, Viridiana Contreras and Miguel Mellado
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 20 (4) e0404 (2022)

Effects of melatonin implants on reproductive performance of dairy sheep and dairy goats

Cemil Tölü, Nazif Yazgan, Hande Işıl Akbağ, İsmail Yaman Yurtman and Türker Savaş
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 57 (6) 665 (2022)

Economic performance of high-energy diets and supplementation with chromium propionate or calcium salts of palm oil in ewes’ production

Fernanda Ferreira dos Santos, Luciano Brochine, Rafael Araújo Nacimento, Flávia Mallaco Moreira, Augusto Hauber Gameiro and Sarita Bonagurio Gallo
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 51 (2022)

Epigenetics and Probiotics Application toward the Modulation of Fish Reproductive Performance

Md Afsar Ahmed Sumon, Mohammad Habibur Rahman Molla, Israa J. Hakeem, Foysal Ahammad, Ramzi H. Amran, Mamdoh T. Jamal, Mohamed Hosny Gabr, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Tariqul Alam, Christopher L. Brown, Eun-Woo Lee, Mohammed Moulay, Amer H. Asseri, F A Dain Md Opo, Ahad Amer Alsaiari and Md. Tawheed Hasan
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Responses to dietary supplementation with field bean (Vicia faba var. minor) in production indices, mohair growth and hormonal parameters in transition Angora goats

Luca Todini, Hugh Galbraith, Alessandro Malfatti, Gabriele Acuti, Olimpia Barbato, Marco Antonini, Daniela Beghelli and Massimo Trabalza-Marinucci
Italian Journal of Animal Science 21 (1) 1315 (2022)

Effects of selenium, vitamin E, and β-carotene administration on fertility of Awassi ewes synchronized for estrus in non-breeding season

Enver ÖZAR, Mustafa Kemal SARIBAY, Ayşe Merve KÖSE and Ramazan SERTKOL
Veterinary Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 7 (3) 167 (2022)

Effect of pre-synchronisation with progestogen and eCG on reproductive activity in synchronised ewes during anoestrous season

B Guner, R Kulaksiz, N Saat, I Kisadere, M Ozturkler, KY Dalginli and SM Pancarci
Veterinární medicína 67 (5) 231 (2022)

Effect of pre-conceptional nutrition and season on fetal growth during early pregnancy in sheep

Barbara Makela, Erin Recktenwald, Filipe Couto Alves, Richard Ehrhardt and Almudena Veiga-Lopez
Theriogenology 190 22 (2022)

Impact of focus feeding on reproductive losses, prolificacy, or fecundity of estrous synchronized ewes

MA Minteguiaga, G Banchero, S Fierro, ML Adrien and J Olivera-Muzante
Livestock Science 256 104817 (2022)

Reproductive Performance of Ewes, Fed Flushing Diet at Different Management Feeding Program

L. Khotijah, N. Arofah, K. Erlangga, S.H. Wijaya, D. Diapari, K. Komalasari and D.A. Astuti
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 25 (9) 827 (2022)

Influence of Supplemental Feeding on Body Condition Score and Reproductive Performance Dynamics in Botosani Karakul Sheep

Ionică Nechifor, Marian Alexandru Florea, Răzvan-Mihail Radu-Rusu and Constantin Pascal
Agriculture 12 (12) 2006 (2022)

Dietary Energy and Protein Levels During the Prelay Period on Production Performance, Egg Quality, Expression of Genes in Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovary Axis, and Bone Parameters in Aged Laying Hens

Qian Xin, Ning Ma, Hongchao Jiao, Xiaojuan Wang, Haifang Li, Yunlei Zhou, Jingpeng Zhao and Hai Lin
Frontiers in Physiology 13 (2022)

Environmental variation effects fertility in tropical beef cattle

James P Copley, Bailey N Engle, Elizabeth M Ross, Shannon Speight, Geoffry Fordyce, Benjamin J Wood, Kai P Voss-Fels and Benjamin J Hayes
Translational Animal Science 6 (2) (2022)

Dietary energy influences ovarian morphology and in vitro maturation of oocytes in goats

Md Enayet Kabir, Faizul Hossain Miraz, Md Hasanur Alam, Md Bodruzzaman Sarker, Md Abul Hashem, MAM Yahia Khandoker, Syed Sakhawat Husain and Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Journal of Applied Animal Research 50 (1) 47 (2022)

l-Argine regulates the proliferation, apoptosis and endocrine activity by alleviating oxidative stress in sheep endometrial epithelial cells

Xiaoxiao Gao, Xiaodan Li, Zhibo Wang, Kang Li, Yaxu Liang, Xiaolei Yao, Guomin Zhang and Feng Wang
Theriogenology 179 187 (2022)

A Novel SNP in the Promoter Region of IGF1 Associated With Yunshang Black Goat Kidding Number via Promoting Transcription Activity by SP1

Kunyu Li, Yufang Liu, Xiaoyun He, Lin Tao, Yanting Jiang, Rong Lan, Qionghua Hong and Mingxing Chu
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10 (2022)

Ovarian Response and Fertility after Short-Term Progestagen/eCG Treatments Are Compromised in Nulliparous Sheep during Non-Breeding Season

Zurisaday Santos-Jimenez, Paula Martínez-Ros, Teresa Encinas, Juan Luis Morales-Cruz, Hugo Zuriel Guerrero-Gallegos, Ramiro Gonzalez-Avalos, Antonio Gonzalez-Bulnes and Juan Manuel Guillen-Muñoz
Veterinary Sciences 9 (12) 663 (2022)

Breeding heavier ewe lambs at seven months of age did not impact their subsequent two and three-year-old ewe live weight and reproductive performance

Emmanuelle Haslin, Rene A. Corner-Thomas, Paul R. Kenyon, Emma J. Pettigrew, Rebecca E. Hickson, Stephen T. Morris and Hugh T. Blair
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 65 (2-3) 129 (2022)

Long Non-Coding RNA GDAR Regulates Ovine Granulosa Cells Apoptosis by Affecting the Expression of Apoptosis-Related Genes

Yong Wang, Yunxia Guo, Chunhui Duan, Ruochen Yang, Lechao Zhang, Yueqin Liu and Yingjie Zhang
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (9) 5183 (2022)

Multifaceted Interplay among Social Dominance, Body Condition, Appetitive and Consummatory Sexual Behaviors, and Semen Quality in Dorper Rams during Out-Of-Season and Transition Periods

Pablo I. Sifuentes-Lamónt, Cesar A. Meza-Herrera, Francisco G. Véliz-Deras, Alan S. Alvarado-Espino, Ariadna V. Alvarado-Espino, Guadalupe Calderón-Leyva, Oscar Angel-Garcia, Dalia I. Carrillo-Moreno, Viridiana Contreras-Villarreal, Ramón A. Delgado González and Jorge A. Bustamante-Andrade
Animals 12 (23) 3339 (2022)

Effects of Different Energy Diets on FSHR mRNA Expression and DNA Methylation in Promoter Region of Duolang Sheep During Diestrus

Bo Liu, Hongjian Li, Peng Niu, Weikun Tao, Fei Huang, Jie Wang and Qinghua Gao
DNA and Cell Biology 41 (7) 643 (2022)

Metabolic profiles and follicular dynamics of prepubertal and pubertal Santa Inês ewe lambs with dietary restriction and supplementation with roasted whole soybeans

Letícia Rodrigues Faria, Felipe Barbosa Junqueira, João Pedro Araújo Campos, Matheus Julien Ferreira Bazana, Adelir Aparecida Saczk, José Camisão de Souza, Renato Ribeiro de Lima and Nadja Gomes Alves
Small Ruminant Research 216 106833 (2022)

Low levels of sulfur and cobalt during the pre- and periconceptional periods affect the oocyte yield of donors and the DNA methylome of preimplantation bovine embryos

Allice R. Ferreira Nochi, Luna N. Vargas, Roberto Sartori, Roberto G. Júnior, Davi B. Araújo, Ricardo A. Figueiredo, Roberto C. Togawa, Marcos M. C. Costa, Priscila Grynberg, Anelise S. Mendonça, Nayara R. Kussano, Ivo Pivato, Bianca D. M. Silva, José Felipe W. Spricigo, Ligiane O. Leme, Joseane P. da Silva, Alexandre R. Caetano, Margot A. N. Dode and Maurício M. Franco
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 13 (2) 231 (2022)

Preconceptional diet manipulation and fetus number can influence placenta endocrine function in sheep

C.A. Rosales-Nieto, R. Ehrhardt, A. Mantey, et al.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 74 106577 (2021)

Effect of Flushing Diet Containing Phytoestrogens of Soy Products on Off-Season Reproductive Performance of Afshari Ewes

Omid Falahpour, Yadollah Chashnidel, Asdolah Teymori Yanesari and Hamid Deldar
Research on Animal Production 12 (34) 100 (2021)

Towards a Sustainable Reproduction Management of Dairy Sheep: Glycerol-Based Formulations as Alternative to eCG in Milked Ewes Mated at the End of Anoestrus Period

Francesca D. Sotgiu, Cristian Porcu, Valeria Pasciu, Maria Dattena, Marilia Gallus, Giuseppe Argiolas, Fiammetta Berlinguer and Giovanni Molle
Animals 11 (4) 922 (2021)

Short-term supplementation of diets rich in lipids or glycogen precursors can affect intra-follicular environment, oocyte mitochondrial gene expression, and embryo development following parthenogenesis in goat

Juliana Paula Martins Alves, César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes, Carlos Enrique Mendez Calderón, Rafael Rossetto, Marcelo Bertolini and Davide Rondina
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Variations saisonnières des performances de reproduction des brebis Ouled Djellal dans la région de Chlef, Algérie

Azdinia Zidane, Mourad Taherti, Leila Gadouche, Sarra Metlef and Adda Ababou
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Relationships among Inorganic Arsenic, Nutritional Status CpG Methylation and microRNAs: A Review of the Literature

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Effects of extruded flaxseed and dietary rumen undegradable protein on reproductive traits and the blood metabolites in Baluchi ewes

R. Ababakri, O. Dayani, A. Khezri and A. Naserian
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 30 (3) 214 (2021)

Diet selected by goats on xerophytic shrubland with different milk yield potential

S. García-Monjaras, R.E. Santos-Díaz, M.J. Flores-Najera, et al.
Journal of Arid Environments 186 104429 (2021)

Periconceptional nutrition with spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) improves metabolomic profiles and pregnancy outcomes in sheep

César A. Rosales-Nieto, Maribel Rodríguez-Aguilar, Francisco Santiago-Hernandez, Venancio Cuevas-Reyes, Manuel J. Flores-Najera, Juan M. Vázquez-García, Jorge Urrutia-Morales, Morteza Hosseini Ghaffari, César A. Meza-Herrera, Antonio González-Bulnes and Graeme B. Martin
Scientific Reports 11 (1) (2021)

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the negative effects of dexamethasone-induced physiological stress in laying hens by acting through the nutrient digestibility and gut morphometry

Atefeh Berenjian, Seyed Davood Sharifi, Abdollah Mohammadi-Sangcheshmeh and Mohammad Reza Bakhtiarizadeh
Poultry Science 100 (3) 100889 (2021)

Effect of using supplementation mineral or organic selenium with vitamin E as antioxidants in the flushing diet on the fertility of ewes

The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 90 (8) 1151 (2021)

The Effect of Age of Dam and Birth Rank on the Reproductive Performance of Ewes as One- and Two-Year-Olds

Emma Pettigrew, Rebecca Hickson, Steve Morris, Paul Kenyon, Rene Corner-Thomas, Emmanuelle Haslin and Hugh Blair
Animals 11 (3) 770 (2021)

Ghrelin antagonist overrides the mRNA expression of NPY in hypothalamus in feed restricted ewes

Ana C. Carranza Martin, Anthony J. Parker, Cecilia C. Furnus, Alejandro Enrique Relling and Marcio de Souza Duarte
PLOS ONE 15 (9) e0238465 (2020)

Milk yield and composition and body weight of offsprings of mixed-breed goats on semi-arid rangelands with different rainfall

M. J. Flores-Najera, L. I. Vélez-Monroy, J. I. Sánchez-Duarte, V. Cuevas-Reyes, M. Mellado and C. A. Rosales-Nieto
Tropical Animal Health and Production 52 (6) 3799 (2020)

“Short Paper” The Effect of Short Term and Long Term Feeding of Barley Seed with or Without eCG on Reproductive Performance of Goat During Breeding and Out Breeding Seasons

Hossien Eskandari, Ali-Naghi Keshtkaran, Mehrdad Meamar and Javad Habibizad
Research on Animal Production 11 (29) 153 (2020)

Precision Betacarotene Supplementation Enhanced Ovarian Function and the LH Release Pattern in Yearling Crossbred Anestrous Goats

Noé M. Lopez-Flores, César A. Meza-Herrera, Carlos Perez-Marin, Dominique Blache, Gerardo Arellano-Rodríguez, Santiago Zuñiga-Garcia, Cayetano Navarrete-Molina, Cristina García De la Peña, Cesar A. Rosales-Nieto and Francisco G. Veliz-Deras
Animals 10 (4) 659 (2020)

Effect of Social Rank upon Estrus Induction and Some Reproductive Outcomes in Anestrus Goats Treated With Progesterone + eCG

Santiago Zuñiga-Garcia, Cesar A. Meza-Herrera, Adela Mendoza-Cortina, Julio Otal-Salaverri, Carlos Perez-Marin, Noé M. Lopez-Flores, Evaristo Carrillo, Guadalupe Calderon-Leyva, Ulises N. Gutierrez-Guzman and Francisco G. Veliz-Deras
Animals 10 (7) 1125 (2020)

Metabolic stress and reproductive features in post-partum goats supplemented for a long period with detoxified castor meal as the source of dietary nitrogen

L.M. Silva, C.H.A. Oliveira, A.M. Silva, et al.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 72 (1) 136 (2020)

Effects of flushing with rehydrated corn grain silage on follicular development in tropical Santa Inês ewes

Lucas Machado Figueira, Letícia Rodrigues Faria, João Pedro Araújo Campos, et al.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 49 (2020)

Follicle-stimulating hormone receptors expression in ovine corpora lutea during luteal phase: effect of nutritional plane and follicle-stimulating hormone treatment

A.T. Grazul-Bilska, S.T. Dorsam, A. Reyaz, et al.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 71 106391 (2020)

The effect of flushing with fatty acid supplementation in ewes ration on folliculogenesis

A Nurlatifah, L Khotijah, K Komalasari and D A Astuti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 411 (1) 012036 (2020)

Potential physiological involvement of nesfatin-1 in regulating swine granulosa cell functions

R. Ciccimarra, S. Bussolati, F. Grasselli, et al.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32 (3) 274 (2020)

Impact of short-term protein supplementation on estrus, ovarian activity, and blood metabolites in Ossimi ewes synchronized with PGF2 α analogue (Cloprostenol) in subtropics

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Extractive stripping voltammetry at carbon paste electrodes for determination of biologically active organic compounds

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Growth pattern and productivity of female Wonosobo sheep in Wonosobo District, Central Java Province, Indonesia

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Effect of short-term nutritional supplementation on hormone concentrations in ovarian follicular fluid and steroid regulating gene mRNA abundances in granulosa cells of ewes

Y.X. Guo, C.H. Duan, Q.H. Hao, et al.
Animal Reproduction Science 211 106208 (2019)

Metabolic stress leads to divergent changes in the ghrelinergic system in goldfish (Carassius auratus) gonads

Jithine Jayakumar Rajeswari, Azadeh Hatef, Mahdi Golshan, Sayyed Mohammad Hadi Alavi and Suraj Unniappan
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 235 112 (2019)

Corn-based or high linoleic acid flushing increases productivity of Morada Nova and Brazilian Somalis ewes

Rafael Teixeira de Sousa, Marco Aurélio Delmondes Bomfim, Fernando Henrique Melo Andrade Rodrigues de Albuquerque, et al.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal 20 (2019)

Combined or Individual Effects of Dietary Probiotic, Pediococcus acidilactici and Nucleotide on Reproductive Performance in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

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Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 11 (1) 233 (2019)

Effects of plane of nutrition and arginine on ovarian follicles in non-pregnant sheep: Cell proliferation, and expression of endothelial nitric oxide and its receptor

Anna T. Grazul-Bilska, Casie S. Bass, Samantha L. Kaminski, et al.
Acta Histochemica 121 (2) 189 (2019)

Impact of short nutrient stimuli with different energy source on follicle dynamics and quality of oocyte from hormonally stimulated goats

Juliana Paula Martins Alves, César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes, Rafael Rossetto, Caroline Pessoa da Silva, Iolly Tábata Oliveira Marques Galvão, Marcelo Bertolini and Davide Rondina
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 54 (9) 1206 (2019)