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Separating the contributions of zona pellucida and cytoplasm in the viscoelastic response of human oocytes
Tong Shen, Eduard Benet, Shankar Lalitha Sridhar, Joel Abadie, Emmanuel Piat and Franck J. Vernerey Acta Biomaterialia 85 253 (2019)
Eicosapentaenoic acid down-regulates expression of the selenoprotein P gene by inhibiting SREBP-1c protein independently of the AMP-activated protein kinase pathway in H4IIEC3 hepatocytes
Effect of different hormonal combinations on follicular wave emergence and superovulatory response in sheep
Joanna Maria Gonçalves Souza-Fabjan, Rômulo Mendonça da Rosa, Mário Felipe Alvarez Balaro, Pedro Henrique Nicolau Pinto, Gustavo Bervian dos Santos, Eduardo Kenji Nunes Arashiro, Jeferson Ferreira da Fonseca, Rodolfo Ungerfeld and Felipe Zandonadi Brandão Theriogenology 103 24 (2017)
Short-lived corpora lutea syndrome in anoestrous ewes following 17β-oestradiol or MAP treatments applied before an allogenic sexual stimulation with rams and oestrous ewes
The luteal outcome of anoestrus ewes induced to ovulate by the male effect is not related to the population of ovarian antral follicles before male exposure
New approaches to superovulation and embryo transfer in small ruminants
A. Menchaca, M. Vilariño, M. Crispo, T. de Castro and E. Rubianes Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22(1) 113 (2010)
The ‘male effect’ in sheep and goats—Revisiting the dogmas
J. Alberto Delgadillo, Helene Gelez, Rodolfo Ungerfeld, Penelope A.R. Hawken and Graeme B. Martin Behavioural Brain Research 200(2) 304 (2009)
The induction of oestrus in ewes during the non-breeding season using pre-used CIDRs and oestradiol-17β treatment
Response of anoestrous ewes pre-treated with a single dose of oestradiol-17β, or progesterone and oestradiol-17β, to the introduction of rams and ewes in oestrus