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Effects of seaweed extracts on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics, methane production, and microbial abundance
Youyoung Choi, Shin Ja Lee, Hyun Sang Kim, Jun Sik Eom, Seong Uk Jo, Le Luo Guan, Jakyeom Seo, Hanbeen Kim, Sang Suk Lee and Sung Sill Lee Scientific Reports 11(1) (2021)
Long-Term Mootral Application Impacts Methane Production and the Microbial Community in the Rumen Simulation Technique System
Optimal amounts of coconut oil in diets improve the growth, antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea)
Tao Ding, Ning Xu, Yongtao Liu, Xueshan Li, Xiaojun Xiang, Dan Xu, Chuanwei Yao, Qiangde Liu, Zhaoyang Yin, Kangsen Mai and Qinghui Ai Marine Life Science & Technology 2(4) 376 (2020)
Feedlot diets with soybean oil, selenium and vitamin E alters rumen metabolism and fatty acids content in steers
Adriano Vinicius de Paiva Ferreira, Alexandre Cominotte, Márcio M. Ladeira, Daniel R. Casagrande, Priscilla D. Teixeira, Eric van Cleef, Jane Ezequiel, Pablo Castagnino and Otávio R. Machado Neto Animal Feed Science and Technology 260 114362 (2020)
Relevance of Fatty Acids to Sperm Maturation and Quality
Giulia Collodel, Cesare Castellini, Jetty Chung-Yung Lee and Cinzia Signorini Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2020 1 (2020)
Effect of pelleted total mixed rations with different levels of intact rapeseed on performance, carcass traits, serum biochemical indices and meat quality of Boer goats
Fang Chen, Jin-tao Wei, Xue-hai Yang, Na Zhao, Wei Zhang, Shao-wen Huang, Nian-dong Yan and Wan-zheng Guo Animal Production Science 59(1) 82 (2019)
Creating a low enteric methane emission ruminant: what is the evidence of success to the present and prospects for developing economies?
Effects of unsaturation of long-chain fatty acids on rumen protozoal engulfment and microbial protein recycling in protozoa in vitro
Mengzhi Wang, Yujia Jing, Yifan Wang, Shimin Liu, Jian Gao, Jialiang Ouyang and Phil Vercoe Animal Production Science 59(4) 647 (2019)
Corn oil supplementation enhances hydrogen use for biohydrogenation, inhibits methanogenesis, and alters fermentation pathways and the microbial community in the rumen of goats
Xiu Min Zhang, Rodolfo F Medrano, Min Wang, Karen A Beauchemin, Zhi Yuan Ma, Rong Wang, Jiang Nan Wen, Bernard A Lukuyu, Zhi Liang Tan and Jian Hua He Journal of Animal Science 97(12) 4999 (2019)
Supplementing goat kids with coconut medium chain fatty acids in early life influences growth and rumen papillae development until 4 months after supplementation but effects on in vitro methane emissions and the rumen microbiota are transient
Sieglinde Debruyne, Alexis Ruiz-González, Einar Artiles-Ortega, Bart Ampe, Wim Van Den Broeck, Ellen De Keyser, Leen Vandaele, Karen Goossens and Veerle Fievez Journal of Animal Science 96(5) 1978 (2018)
Rumen methanogen and protozoal communities of Tibetan sheep and Gansu Alpine Finewool sheep grazing on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China
Contribution of Ruminal Fungi, Archaea, Protozoa, and Bacteria to the Methane Suppression Caused by Oilseed Supplemented Diets
Shaopu Wang, Katrin Giller, Michael Kreuzer, Susanne E. Ulbrich, Ueli Braun and Angela Schwarm Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (2017)
Effects of dietary supplementation of active dried yeast on fecal methanogenic archaea diversity in dairy cows
Charles J. Newbold, Gabriel de la Fuente, Alejandro Belanche, Eva Ramos-Morales and Neil R. McEwan Frontiers in Microbiology 6 (2015)
Positive consequences of maternal diet and post-natal rumen inoculation on rumen function and animal performance of Merino lambs
Archaeal abundance in post-mortem ruminal digesta may help predict methane emissions from beef cattle
R. John Wallace, John A. Rooke, Carol-Anne Duthie, Jimmy J. Hyslop, David W. Ross, Nest McKain, Shirley Motta de Souza, Timothy J. Snelling, Anthony Waterhouse and Rainer Roehe Scientific Reports 4(1) (2015)
The rumen microbial metagenome associated with high methane production in cattle
R. John Wallace, John A. Rooke, Nest McKain, Carol-Anne Duthie, Jimmy J. Hyslop, David W. Ross, Anthony Waterhouse, Mick Watson and Rainer Roehe BMC Genomics 16(1) (2015)
Effect of Roughage to Concentrate Ratio and Plant Oil Supplementation on In vitro Fermentation End-Products
The effect of dietary coconut kernels, whole cottonseeds and sunflower seeds on the intake, digestibility and enteric methane emissions of Zebu beef cattle fed rice straw based diets
Effects of Anthelmintic Plant Extracts on Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics, Bacterial Diversity and Methane Production in vitro
E. T. Kim, J. U. Ok, S. J. Lee, J. W. Kim, E. G. Kwon, D. H. Lim, S. H. Choi and S. S. Lee Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 48(3) 113 (2014)
A meta-analysis of the effect of dietary fat on enteric methane production, digestibility and rumen fermentation in sheep, and a comparison of these responses between cattle and sheep
Quantitative analysis of ruminal methanogenic microbial populations in beef cattle divergent in phenotypic residual feed intake (RFI) offered contrasting diets
Ciara A Carberry, David A Kenny, Alan K Kelly and Sinéad M Waters Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 5(1) (2014)
Effects of Coconut Materials on In vitro Ruminal Methanogenesis and Fermentation Characteristics
E. T. Kim, C. G. Park, D. H. Lim, E. G. Kwon, K. S. Ki, S. B. Kim, Y. H. Moon, N. H. Shin and S. S. Lee Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 27(12) 1721 (2014)
Effects of Defaunation on Fermentation Characteristics, Degradation of Ryegrass Hay and Methane Production by Rumen Microbes In Vitro When Incubated with Plant Oils
Wei-Ze Qin, Cheng-Yun Li, Seong-Ho Choi, Shinekhuu Jugder, Hyun-Ju Kim, Sang-Suk Lee and Man-Kang Song Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science 34(3) 193 (2014)
Influence ofAlbizia lebbeckSaponin and Its Fractions onIn VitroGas Production Kinetics, Rumen Methanogenesis, and Rumen Fermentation Characteristics
Effect of the rumen ciliatesEntodinium caudatum, Epidinium ecaudatumandEudiplodinium maggii, and combinations thereof, on ruminal fermentation and total tract digestion in sheep
Johanna O. Zeitz, Sergej L. Amelchanka, Tadeusz Michałowski, Krzysztof Wereszka, Leo Meile, Sonja Hartnack, Michael Kreuzer and Carla R. Soliva Archives of Animal Nutrition 66(3) 180 (2012)
Enteric methane mitigation technologies for ruminant livestock: a synthesis of current research and future directions
Mitigation of methane production from cattle by feeding cashew nut shell liquid
T. Shinkai, O. Enishi, M. Mitsumori, K. Higuchi, Y. Kobayashi, A. Takenaka, K. Nagashima, M. Mochizuki and Y. Kobayashi Journal of Dairy Science 95(9) 5308 (2012)
Effects of plants containing secondary compounds and plant oils on rumen fermentation and ecology
Metha Wanapat, Pongthon Kongmun, Onanong Poungchompu, Anusorn Cherdthong, Pichad Khejornsart, Ruangyote Pilajun and Sujittra Kaenpakdee Tropical Animal Health and Production 44(3) 399 (2012)
Rumen protozoa and methanogenesis: not a simple cause–effect relationship
Long-term defaunation increases the abundance of cellulolytic ruminococci and methanogens but does not affect the bacterial and methanogen diversity in the rumen of sheep1
Effect of coconut oil and mangosteen peel supplementation on ruminal fermentation, microbial population, and microbial protein synthesis in swamp buffaloes
Influence of palm fatty acid distillate on rumen degradability and protozoa population in buffaloes
Raul Franzolin, Valério P. Garcia, Weber V.B. Soares and Francisco A.A. Costa Italian Journal of Animal Science 9(4) e75 (2010)
Effects of dry sugar cane yeast on the diet intake, digestibility and bovine rumen microbial populations
The effects of hazelnut oil usage on live weight, carcass, rumen, some blood parameters and femur head ash in Akkaraman lambs
I. Sadi Cetingul, Mehmet Yardimci, E. Hesna Sahin, Ismail Bayram, Ismail Kucukkurt and A. Burhaneddin Akkaya Meat Science 83(4) 647 (2009)
Efficiency of monolaurin in mitigating ruminal methanogenesis and modifying C-isotope fractionation when incubating diets composed of either C3or C4plants in a rumen simulation technique (Rusitec) system
Fenja Klevenhusen, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Thomas B. Hofstetter, Jakov Bolotin, Carmen Kunz and Carla R. Soliva British Journal of Nutrition 102(9) 1308 (2009)
Assessment of the Microbial Ecology of Ruminal Methanogens in Cattle with Different Feed Efficiencies
Nutritional management for enteric methane abatement: a review
K. A. Beauchemin, M. Kreuzer, F. O'Mara and T. A. McAllister Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48(2) 21 (2008)
The effect of oils fed to sheep on methane production and digestion of ryegrass pasture
G. P. Cosgrove, G. C. Waghorn, C. B. Anderson, J. S. Peters, A. Smith, G. Molano and M. Deighton Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48(2) 189 (2008)
Changes in microbial community structure, methanogenesis and rumen fermentation in response to saponin-rich fractions from different plant materials
Evaluations of Different Hypervariable Regions of Archaeal 16S rRNA Genes in Profiling of Methanogens by
-Specific PCR and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
Zhongtang Yu, Rubén García-González, Floyd L. Schanbacher and Mark Morrison Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74(3) 889 (2008)
Effect of tea saponin on methanogenesis, microbial community structure and expression ofmcrAgene, in cultures of rumen micro-organisms
Effect of refined soy oil or whole soybeans on intake, methane output, and performance of young bulls1
E. Jordan, D. Kenny, M. Hawkins, R. Malone, D. K. Lovett and F. P. O'Mara Journal of Animal Science 84(9) 2418 (2006)
Construction and operation of open-circuit methane chambers for small ruminants
L. Klein and A.-D. G. Wright Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46(10) 1257 (2006)
Effect of refined coconut oil or copra meal on methane output and on intake and performance of beef heifers1
E. Jordan, D. K. Lovett, F. J. Monahan, J. Callan, B. Flynn and F. P. O'Mara Journal of Animal Science 84(1) 162 (2006)