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Managing sexual receptivity and ovulation induction in rabbit does: evidence from recent research

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Impact of Goji Berries (Lycium barbarum) Supplementation on the Energy Homeostasis of Rabbit Does: Uni- and Multivariate Approach

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Housing Rabbit Does in a Combi System with Removable Walls: Effect on Behaviour and Reproductive Performance

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Adaptive capacity of female rabbits submitted to a change in breeding practices

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Effect of combination vitamin E and single long-acting progesterone dose on enhancing pregnancy outcomes in the first two parities of young rabbit does

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Reproductive and Nutritional Management on Ovarian Response and Embryo Quality on Rabbit Does

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Effect of late weaning and use of alternative cages on performance of does, suckling and fattening rabbits under extensive reproductive management

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Resources allocation in reproductive rabbit does: a review of feeding and genetic strategies for suitable performance

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Effect of feed restriction or feeding high-fibre diet during the rearing period on body composition, serum parameters and productive performance of rabbit does

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The effect of season and parity order on fertility of rabbit does and kit growth

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The main factors affecting the reproductive performance of rabbit does: A review

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Body reserves and ovarian performance in primiparous lactating rabbit does submitted to early weaning as a strategy to decrease energy deficit

O.G. Sakr, R.M. García-García, M. Arias-Álvarez, P. Millán, P.L. Lorenzo and P.G. Rebollar
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Evaluation of milk yield and some related maternal traits in a crossbreeding project of Egyptian Gabali breed with Spanish V‐line in rabbits

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Serum level of hormone and metabolites in pregnant rabbit does

Raffaella Cardinali, Alessandro Dal Bosco, Cesare Castellini, Cristiano Boiti and Gabriele Brecchia
Italian Journal of Animal Science 8 (sup2) 778 (2009)

Influence of metabolic status on oocyte quality and follicular characteristics at different postpartum periods in primiparous rabbit does

M. Arias-Álvarez, R.M. García-García, P.G. Rebollar, L. Revuelta, P. Millán and P.L. Lorenzo
Theriogenology 72 (5) 612 (2009)

Effects of a lignin-rich fibre diet on productive, reproductive and endocrine parameters in nulliparous rabbit does

M. Arias-Álvarez, R.M. García-García, P.G. Rebollar, et al.
Livestock Science 123 (2-3) 107 (2009)

Effect of different rearing systems and pre-kindling handling on behaviour and performance of rabbit does

Cecilia Mugnai, Alessandro Dal Bosco and Cesare Castellini
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 118 (1-2) 91 (2009)

Connection between body condition score, chemical characteristics of body and reproductive traits of rabbit does

R. Cardinali, A. Dal Bosco, A. Bonanno, et al.
Livestock Science 116 (1-3) 209 (2008)