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Canine IVM With SOF Medium, Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium, and Low O2 Tension Improves Oocyte Meiotic Competence and Decreases Reactive Oxygen Species Levels
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Meiotic Status Does Not Affect the Vitrification Effectiveness of Domestic Cat Oocytes
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Effects of vitrification and a Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 inhibitor on the meiotic and developmental competence of feline oocytes
Post-Warming Competence ofIn VivoMatured Rabbit Oocytes Treated with Cytoskeletal Stabilization (Taxol) and Cytoskeletal Relaxant (Cytochalasin B) Before Vitrification
In vitromaturation and fertilization of prepubertal and pubertal black Bengal goat oocytes
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Effects of estradiol-17β and progesterone supplementation on in vitro nuclear maturation of canine oocytes
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Size of the donor follicle, but not stage of reproductive cycle or seasonality, influences meiotic competency of selected domestic dog oocytes
Birth of African Wildcat Cloned Kittens Born from Domestic Cats
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Effects of Final Dilution Rate, Sperm Concentration and Times for Cooling and Glycerol Equilibration on Post-Thaw Characteristics of Canine Spermatozoa
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Meiosis Resumption of Canine Oocytes Cultured in the Isolated Oviduct