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The increase in prolactin-secreting cells in incubating chicken hens can be mimicked by extended treatment of pituitary cells in vitro with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
Effect of pH on somatotropin-binding activity of theca and granulosa tissues from chicken preovulatory follicles
V. A. Lebedev, I. Yu. Lebedeva, T. I. Kuzmina, R. Grossmann and N. Parvizi Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 42(4) 383 (2006)
Association of polymorphisms for prolactin and prolactin receptor genes with broody traits in chickens
Characterization of Growth Hormone Binding Sites in Granulosa and Theca Layers at Different Stages of Follicular Maturation and Ovulatory Cycle in the Domestic Hen
Irina Y. Lebedeva, Vladimir A. Lebedev, Roland Grossmann, Tatiana I. Kuzmina and Nahid Parvizi Biology of Reproduction 71(4) 1174 (2004)
Changes in Levels of Immunoreactive Prolactin Isoforms during a Reproductive Cycle in Turkey Hens