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Fecal Steroid Evaluation to Monitor Reproductive Status in Wild Ungulate Females Using Enzyme Immunoassay Commercial Kits
Conception Borque, Sonia S. Pérez-Garnelo, Maria Delclaux, Eva Martínez and Julio De la Fuente Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42(4) 537 (2011)
Serum Profiles of Pregnancy‐Associated Glycoprotein, Oestrone Sulphate and Progesterone During Gestation and Some Factors Influencing the Profiles in Ethiopian Borana and Crossbred Cattle
Development and Validation of a Sensitive Radioimmunoassay for Progesterone Estimation in Unextracted Mithun (Bos frontalis) Plasma
Mohan Mondal, Bhukya Prakash, Chandan Rajkhowa and B. S. Prakash Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 26(4) 273 (2005)
The effect of trypanosoma vivax infection on late pregnancy and postpartum return to cyclicity in boran cattle
Progesterone Concentration throughout Gestation in Cows with Singleton and Twin Pregnancies.
Osman Valli PATEL, Toru TAKAHASHI, Makoto HIRAKO, et al. Journal of Reproduction and Development 41(1) 63 (1995)
Influence of dietary supplementation and partial suckling on body weight and on lactation and reproductive performance of primiparous Boran (Bos indicus) cows in Ethiopia