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Cited article:

Effect of a new ionophore antibiotic, abierixin, on the digestion of a roughage-based diet measured in sheep; comparison with results obtained in Rusitec

L. Gomez, J.P. Jouany, M.C. Hillaire and C. Bogaert
Animal Feed Science and Technology 31 (1-2) 29 (1990)

Effects of the ionophore antibiotics monensin, monensin-propionate, abierixin and calcimycin on ruminal fermentations in vitro (Rusitec)

Catherine Bogaert, J.P. Jouany and G. Jeminet
Animal Feed Science and Technology 28 (3-4) 183 (1990)

In vitrostudy (Rusitee) of the action of abierixin, a new ionophore antibiotic, on the end products of fermentation and the degradation of nitrogen in the rumen

L. Gomez, M. C. Hillaire and J. P. Jouany
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 40 (3) 229 (1990)

Incorporation of soya oil hydrolysate in the diet of defaunated or refaunated sheep: Effect on rumen fermentationin vitro

L. Broudiscou, C. J. Van Nevel and D. I. Demeyer
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 40 (4) 329 (1990)