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Ultrastructural feature of spermatogenic cells and spermatozoon in cultured burbot Lota lota

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Structure of the testis and spermatogenesis of the viviparous teleost Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae) from an active sulfur spring cave in Southern Mexico

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Dimethylsulfoxide, methanol and methylglycol in the seminal cryopreservation of Suruvi, Steindachneridion scriptum

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Duration of spermatogenesis and identification of spermatogonial stem cell markers in a Neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen)

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Acclimation temperature changes spermatozoa flagella length relative to head size in brown trout

Miriam Fenkes, John L. Fitzpatrick, Holly A. Shiels and Robert L. Nudds
Biology Open 8 (7) bio039461 (2019)

Effects of temperature on sperm motility of burbot Lota lota: spontaneous activation and calcium dependency

Hadiseh Dadras, Sergey Boryshpolets, Amin Golpour, Tomas Policar, Miroslav Blecha and Borys Dzyuba
Journal of Fish Biology 95 (4) 1137 (2019)

Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals the Traits of Spermatogenesis and Testicular Development in Large Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys crocea)

Shengyu Luo, Xinming Gao, Jie Ding, Cheng Liu, Chen Du, Congcong Hou, Junquan Zhu and Bao Lou
Genes 10 (12) 958 (2019)

Sperm morphology and ultrastructure of Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus)

Patricio Ulloa-Rodríguez, Pablo Contreras, Kelly Dumorné, et al.
Tissue and Cell 57 66 (2019)

Hormonal stimulation of carp is accompanied by changes in seminal plasma proteins associated with the immune and stress responses

Mariola A. Dietrich, Ilgiz Irnazarow, Michał Inglot, et al.
Journal of Proteomics 202 103369 (2019)

Spermatogenesis of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera laevis (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae): A histological and ultrastructural study

Osamu Kobayashi, Shigekazu Tomizuka, Shota Shimizu and Ryuichiro Machida
Tissue and Cell 55 39 (2018)

Inhibitory effect of K+ ions and influence of other ions and osmolality on the spermatozoa motility of European burbot (Lota lota L.)

Katarzyna Dziewulska, Malwina Pilarska and Suresh Yenugu
PLOS ONE 13 (5) e0196415 (2018)

Warmed Winter Water Temperatures Alter Reproduction in Two Fish Species

Tyler Firkus, Frank J. Rahel, Harold L. Bergman and Brian D. Cherrington
Environmental Management 61 (2) 291 (2018)

Seasonal and age-related changes in semen characteristics and composition of seminal plasma in sex-reverse female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in comparison with normal males

Burak Evren İnanan and Fevzi Yılmaz
Animal Reproduction Science 196 160 (2018)

Population specific sperm production in European flounder Platichthys flesus: Adaptation to salinity at spawning

Anders Nissling and Roger Larsson
Journal of Fish Biology 93 (1) 47 (2018)

First report of intersex in a lutjanid: the goldband snapper Pristipomoides multidens

Kathryn L. Hassell, Christopher A. Rawson and Marthe M. Gagnon
Journal of Fish Biology 93 (2) 428 (2018)

Photo-thermal manipulations induce captive maturation and spawning in endangered golden mahseer (Tor putitora): A silver-lining in the strangled conservation efforts of decades

M.S. Akhtar, M. Rajesh, A. Ciji, et al.
Aquaculture 497 336 (2018)

A comparison of Activating Solutions with Hatchery Water in Artificial Insemination of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Burak Evren İnanan, Ümit Acar, Hüseyin Urçuk and Ersin Çelik
Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques 3 (2) 8 (2018)

The cellular localization and redistribution of multiple aquaporin paralogs in the spermatic duct epithelium of a maturing marine teleost

François Chauvigné, Janmejay Parhi, Carla Ducat, Judith Ollé, Roderick Nigel Finn and Joan Cerdà
Journal of Anatomy 233 (2) 177 (2018)

Testicular structure and spermatogenesis of the oviparous goodeids Crenichthys baileyi (Gilbert, 1893) and Empetrichthys latos Miller, 1948 (Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes)

Mari Carmen Uribe, Harry J. Grier and Lynne R. Parenti
Journal of Morphology 279 (12) 1787 (2018)

Does constant photoperiod inhibit the onset of the reproductive cycle in northern pike (Esox lucius) males?

I. Ben Ammar, S. Milla, H. Missaoui, et al.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 44 (1) 301 (2018)

Sperm maturation in sturgeon (Actinopterygii, Acipenseriformes): A review

Borys Dzyuba, Jacky Cosson, Viktoriya Dzyuba, Pavlo Fedorov, Olga Bondarenko, Marek Rodina, Otomar Linhart, William L. Shelton and Sergii Boryshpolets
Theriogenology 97 134 (2017)

Hormonal manipulations for the enhancement of sperm production in cultured fish and evaluation of sperm quality

Constantinos C. Mylonas, Neil J. Duncan and Juan F. Asturiano
Aquaculture 472 21 (2017)

Role of protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in fish sperm motility activation: State of the art and perspectives

Loredana Zilli, Roberta Schiavone and Sebastiano Vilella
Aquaculture 472 73 (2017)

Sperm in hot water: direct and indirect thermal challenges interact to impact on brown trout sperm quality

Miriam Fenkes, John L. Fitzpatrick, Karlina Ozolina, Holly A. Shiels and Robert L. Nudds
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (14) 2513 (2017)

Preservation of black sharkminnow, Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker, 1849) spermatozoa

Phimphan Ladoktha, Samorn Ponchunchoovong and Charoen Udomkarn
Aquaculture Research 48 (7) 3837 (2017)

Life history traits of Notothenia rossii and N. coriiceps along the southern Scotia Arc

Federico Calì, Emilio Riginella, Mario La Mesa and Carlotta Mazzoldi
Polar Biology 40 (7) 1409 (2017)

Small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequencing analysis of dietary shifts during gonad maturation in wild black Amur bream (Megalobrama terminalis) in the lower reaches of the Pearl River

Yuguo Xia, Jie Li, Yuefei Li, et al.
Fisheries Science 83 (6) 955 (2017)

Gonadal morphogenesis and sex differentiation in cultured Ussuri catfish Tachysurus ussuriensis

Z. J. Pan, C. K. Zhu, H. Wang, F. J. Zhou and X. G. Qiang
Journal of Fish Biology 91 (3) 866 (2017)

Age and reproduction in two Antarctic plunderfishes (Artedidraconidae) from the Weddell Sea

Claudia Meneghesso, Emilio Riginella, Mario La Mesa, Fortunata Donato and Carlotta Mazzoldi
Polar Biology 40 (1) 13 (2017)

Differential expression of subunits of 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase during gametogenesis in rainbow trout ( Oncorhychus mykiss )

Arya Vazirzadeh and Yann Guiguen
Animal Reproduction Science 184 139 (2017)

Comparing androgens and androgen receptor expression in Cobitis taenia Linnaeus, 1958 males and females

A. Leska, A. Przybył, O. Jablonska, et al.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33 (2) 209 (2017)

Proteomic characterization of seminal plasma from alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tswatchysha )

Robert Gombar, Trevor E. Pitcher, Jason A. Lewis, Janeen Auld and Panayiotis O. Vacratsis
Journal of Proteomics 157 1 (2017)

Preliminary report on the age-related variations in the serum and seminal plasma testosterone, seminal plasma biochemistry and seminal vesicle histochemistry of male broodstock African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Chidozie Nwabuisi Okoye, Susan Omuboba Dan-Jumbo, Anietie Francis Udoumoh, et al.
Comparative Clinical Pathology 26 (5) 1041 (2017)

Composition of seminal plasma and ovarian fluid in Ide Leuciscus idus and Northern pike Esox lucius

MAM Siddique, O Linhart, R Kujawa, S Krejszeff and IAE Butts
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 51 (6) 960 (2016)

The effect of sperm production and mate availability on patterns of alternative mating tactics in the guppy

Silvia Cattelan, Jonathan P. Evans, Andrea Pilastro and Clelia Gasparini
Animal Behaviour 112 105 (2016)

A histological study of testis development and ultrastructural features of spermatogenesis in cultured Acrossocheilus fasciatus

Su-Yan Fu, Jian-Hu Jiang, Wan-Xi Yang and Jun-Quan Zhu
Tissue and Cell 48 (1) 49 (2016)

Life history strategies of the Scotia Sea icefish, Chaenocephalus aceratus, along the Southern Scotia Ridge

Emilio Riginella, Carlotta Mazzoldi, Julian Ashford, et al.
Polar Biology 39 (3) 497 (2016)

Protein profile of seminal plasma and functionality of spermatozoa during the reproductive season in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Anna Shaliutina‐Kolešová, Petr Kotas, Jan Štěrba, Marek Rodina, Borys Dzyuba, Jacky Cosson and Otomar Linhart
Molecular Reproduction and Development 83 (11) 968 (2016)

Total antioxidant capacity, catalase activity, and lipid peroxidation changes in seminal plasma of sex-reversed female and male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during spawning season

B.E. İnanan, F. Öğretmen, T. İnanan and F. Yılmaz
Theriogenology 86 (8) 1975 (2016)

The role of amides in seminal cryopreservation of wild silverside, Odontesthes bonariensis

Juliana P. Alves, Carine D. Corcini, Estela F. Silva, et al.
Cryobiology 73 (3) 383 (2016)

Morphological evidence for a permeability barrier in the testis and spermatic duct ofGymnotus carapo(Teleostei: Gymnotidae)

Lara C. Meneguelli De Souza, Claudio A. Retamal, Gustavo M. Rocha and Maria Luisa Lopez
Molecular Reproduction and Development 82 (9) 663 (2015)

Motility initiation of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa: Describing the propagation of the first flagellar waves

Galina Prokopchuk, Boris Dzyuba, Olga Bondarenko, Marek Rodina and Jacky Cosson
Theriogenology 84 (1) 51 (2015)

Reproductive resilience of ice‐dependent Antarctic silverfish in a rapidly changing system along the Western Antarctic Peninsula

Mario La Mesa, Emilio Riginella, Carlotta Mazzoldi and Julian Ashford
Marine Ecology 36 (2) 235 (2015)

Field evidence of reproduction impairment through sperm DNA damage in the fish nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in anthropized hydrosystems

Alain Devaux, Sylvie Bony, Sandrine Plenet, et al.
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Aquaporin Biology of Spermatogenesis and Sperm Physiology in Mammals and Teleosts

Mónica Boj, François Chauvigné and Joan Cerdà
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Reproductive and parental care physiology of Cichlasoma dimerus males

Agustina Birba, Martín Roberto Ramallo, Fabiana Lo Nostro, Renata Guimarães Moreira and Matías Pandolfi
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Retracted: Effects of multiple collections on spermatozoa quality of Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus: motility, density and seminal plasma composition

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A K+-selective CNG channel orchestrates Ca2+ signalling in zebrafish sperm

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