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Management of phosphorus nutrition of beef cattle grazing seasonally dry rangelands: a review

R. M. Dixon, S. T. Anderson, L. J. Kidd and M. T. Fletcher
Animal Production Science 60 (7) 863 (2020)

Effects of varying dietary calcium and phosphorus on growth and on composition of empty bodies and isolated bones of male kids

E. Pfeffer, M. Rodehutscord and G. Breves
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 49 (3) 243 (1996)

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Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 74 (1-5) 243 (1995)

Effects of a reduced P supply in combination with adequate or high Ca intake on performance and mineral balances in dairy goats during pregnancy and lactation

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Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 69 (1-5) 12 (1993)

Phosphorus kinetics of cattle grazing tropical pastures and implications for the estimation of their phosphorus requirements

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Comparative Aspects of Gastrointestinal Phosphorus Metabolism

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Response of lactating goats to low phosphorus intake 1. Milk yield and faecal excretion of P and Ca

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The effect of dietary intake of calcium and dry matter on the absorption and excretion of calcium and phosphorus by growing lambs

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Endogenous faecal loss of phosphorus in growing lambs and the calculation of phosphorus requirements

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