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Cited article:

Synthesis and apical and basolateral secretion of thyroglobulin by thyroid cell monolayers on permeable substrate: Modulation by thyrotropin

Marianne Chambard, Jean Mauchamp and Odile Chabaud
Journal of Cellular Physiology 133 (1) 37 (1987)

Identification of thyroglobulin mRNA sequences in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cultured thyroid cells: A post-transcriptional effect of thyrotropin

Zilmar Tosta, Odile Chabaud and Judith Chebath
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 116 (1) 54 (1983)

Identification of recombinant plasmids containing DNA sequences derived from the 3? end of ovine thyroglobulin mRNA

J. Chebath, Z. T. Tosta, O. Chabaud and M. Perricaudet
Molecular Biology Reports 8 (3) 149 (1982)