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Adaptations to seasonality - a comparative view of energy expenditure during lactation in two ruminant species: European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon)
Allometric association between in vivo estimation of body composition during growth using deuterium dilution technique and chemical analysis of serial slaughtered pigs
Adaptations to seasonality – a comparative view of energy expenditure during lactation in two ruminant species: European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon)
Karin Lason, Matthias Lechner-Doll, Matthias Lüpke and Marcus Clauss Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Zoologische Reihe 77(2) 217 (2001)
In vivo estimation of body composition from the dilution space of deuterium oxide in fat-tailed Barbary ewes
Voluntary Intake, Milk Production and Plasma Metabolites in Nursing Mares Fed Two Different Diets
Michel Doreau, Sylviane Boulot, Dominique Bauchart, Jean-Pierre Barlet and William Martin-Rosset The Journal of Nutrition 122(4) 992 (1992)
Body Composition of Dairy Cows According to Lactation Stage, Somatotropin Treatment, and Concentrate Supplementation
Yield and composition of milk from lactating mares: effect of lactation stage and individual differences
Michel Doreau, Sylviane Boulot, Jean-Pierre Barlet and Philippe Patureau-Mirand Journal of Dairy Research 57(4) 449 (1990)
Determination of deuterium level in biological fluids by isotope ratio mass spectrometry