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Cited article:

Gonadotrophin-like Substance in the Testis. Immunocytochemical Localization in the Guinea Pig

P. Saint-pol, E. Hermand, G. Tramu, A. Defossez and J. Leonardelli
Archives of Andrology 11 (1) 65 (1983)

Ultrastructure of the Bull Seminiferous Tubule Supporting Cells with Special Consideration of the Cell Junctions

Z. Bielańska‐Osuchowska and P. S. Sysa
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 10 (4) 370 (1981)

Effect of gonadotropins, thyrotropin, and adrenocorticotropin on the development of 12-day chick embryonic gonads

M. A. Shanin, G. Csaba and O. Dobozy
Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology 190 (1) 58 (1981)