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Nucleolus Precursor Bodies and Ribosome Biogenesis in Early Mammalian Embryos: Old Theories and New Discoveries1

Helena Fulka and Fugaku Aoki
Biology of Reproduction 94 (6) (2016)

Methylation of nucleolar RNA in HeLa cells studied by autoradiography

Javier Cervera, Amelia Martínez and Jaime Renau-Piqueras
Journal of Ultrastructure Research 86 (1) 46 (1984)

Les cellules de Ia granulosa des petits follicules ovariens de Canes: Cane Pékin (Anas platyrhynchos), Barbarie (Cairina moschata) et hybride: Pékin mâle × Barbarie femelle. I. Aspect structural comparé en phase de repos (hiver) et d'activité sexuelle (printemps)

Armand Deray
Journal of Ultrastructure Research 68 (2) 118 (1979)