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Cited article:

Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of the Reticulo-Rumen

L. A. A. Ooms, A. D. Degryse, A. Weyns, S. Bouisset and Y. Ruckebusch
Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of the Reticulo-Rumen 271 (1987)

Digestion, absorption and utilization of single-cell protein by the preruminant calf

Cynthia A. Sedgman, J. H. B. Roy and Joanne Thomas
British Journal of Nutrition 53 (3) 673 (1985)

Influence of the type of fat in milk replacers on hydrolysis and digestion by the pre‐ruminant calf

Ray Johnson and Jane Leibholz
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 31 (2) 162 (1980)

Concurrent studies of the flow of digesta in the duodenum and of exocrine pancreatic secretion of calves

J. H. Ternouth, J. H. B. Roy and R. C. Siddons
British Journal of Nutrition 31 (1) 13 (1974)