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Cited article:

A note on the effects of dexamethasone-induced parturition on ewe behaviour and lamb survival in prolific Booroola Merino ewes

J. L. Owens, B. M. Bindon, T. N. Edey and L. R. Piper
Animal Production 41 (03) 417 (1985)

The control of fertility in sheep: endocrine and ovarian responses to progestagen-PMSG treatment in the breeding season and in anoestrus

G. Evans and T. J. Robinson
The Journal of Agricultural Science 94 (1) 69 (1980)

Reproductive potential and endocrinological responses of sheep kept under controlled lighting. I. Comparative reproductive performance of four breed types of ewe

G. Evans and T.J. Robinson
Animal Reproduction Science 3 (1) 23 (1980)