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Effect of dietary supplements of propionic acid, siliceous earth or a combination of these on the energy, protein and amino acid digestibilities and concentrations of microbial metabolites in the digestive tract of growing pigs

R. Mosenthin, W.C. Sauer, F. Ahrens, C.F.M. de Lange and U. Bornholdt
Animal Feed Science and Technology 37 (3-4) 245 (1992)

Studies on the effect of the gut microflora on dietary nitrogen digestibility in pigs

B. Ratcliffe and A.G. Low
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) 1984 59 (1984)

Untersuchungen über Resorption und Verwertung von ins Zäkum wachsender Schweine infundierten Aminosäuren

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Untersuchungen über Resorption und Verwertung von ins Zäkum wachsender Schweine infundierten Aminosäuren

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Archiv für Tierernaehrung 32 (7-8) 445 (1982)

Influence of diet and microbial activity in the digestive tract on digestibility, and nitrogen and energy metabolism in rats and pigs

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British Journal of Nutrition 48 (1) 161 (1982)

The effect of type and level of protein, fibre and starch on nitrogen excretion patterns in rats

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British Journal of Nutrition 46 (2) 301 (1981)

The effect of dietary antibiotics on protein and energy metabolism in rats: Possible significance of the gut microflora

Biørn O. Eggum, Makonnen Fekadu, Jens Wolstrup, Willem C. Sauer and Arnold Just
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 30 (2) 177 (1979)

Effect of Microflora on the Free Amino Acid Distribution in Various Regions of the Mouse Gastrointestinal Tract

Dixie D. Whitt and R. D. Demoss
Applied Microbiology 30 (4) 609 (1975)